Portuguese Association of Japanese Acupuncture
Be part of APAJap, where excellence in the practice of Japanese Acupuncture finds a dedicated community. The association offers a unique platform to enhance your skills, share knowledge and build connections with other professionals.
Discounts on Training:
Members have special advantages in training promoted by APAJap.
Liability insurance:
Access to exclusive conditions for members.
Professional Visibility:
Publicize your professional contacts on our website.
Access to Najom:
Benefit from free access to the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, a valuable source of information.
Continuous formation:
Participate in workshops and practices guided by guest instructors.
Discussion of Clinical Cases:
Contribute and learn from the presentation and discussion of clinical cases.
International exchange:
Participate in practices, seminars and workshops European and international level, expanding horizons and sharingknowledge.
Member Benefits
Become a member
To become a member of APAJap, professionals with training in Japanese Acupuncture, TCM, Shiatsu or other complementary therapies are accepted.
Presenting a curriculum vitae is also an option for evaluation