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É com grande satisfação e entusiasmo que anunciamos que a Prof.ª Kiiko Matsumoto aceitou o nosso convite para vir ensinar em Portugal, estando programada a sua deslocação ao nosso país para o Outono do próximo ano.

Fundadora do Kiiko Style of Acupuncture (KMS), o seu estilo de acupuntura utiliza um método palpatório sistemático e fácil de aprender, concebido para fornecer feedback instantâneo.

Kiiko Matsumoto é internacionalmente conhecida pelo seu trabalho académico sobre acupuntura e pela sua interpretação dos textos clássicos chineses.

Antecipando a sua vinda, agendámos para Novembro deste ano uma formação introdutória ao seu estilo de acupuntura (KMS) com John Jaarsveld, terapeuta que com ela vem estudando ao longo dos anos e que já acumulou mais de 1000 horas de formação em KMS.

Upcoming Trainings

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Date: November 2nd and 3rd

Location: School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lisbon


Early bird until 30/09/2024 - 400€

After 09/30/2024 - €480

Payment Option : Pre-registration of €100 to guarantee a place, the remainder of the amount to be paid by the start date of the course

  • APAJap members receive a discount on this training

Junko Ida Okyu
Trainer: Junko Ida

Date: November 23rd and 24th
Location: School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lisbon




Early bird until 30/09/2024 - 320€

After 09/30/2024 - €400


Payment Option: Pre-registration of €100 to guarantee a place, the remainder of the amount to be paid by the start date of the course.



  • APAJap members receive a discount on this training

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Date: September 20th and 21st, 2025

Location: Lisbon, Portugal




Early bird until 30/11/2024 - 615€

After 08/30/2024 - €815


Registration place valued at €200 until 30 November 2024, thus guaranteeing the early bird value


  • APAJap members receive a discount on this training


Become a member of APAJap

Join us and be part of our Association. Get access to exclusive benefits, participate in events promoted by the association and join a community dedicated to Japanese Acupuncture. Complete the form below to start your journey with us. We look forward to welcoming you!

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